January 27, 2012

Top-outfits Winter 2012/2013 by Seal Kay Independent

Mentre l'inveno 2011/2012 volge al termine, showrooms e aziende si preparano ad affrontare quello successivo. In particolare Seal Kay, noto brand veneto, propone alcuni "top-outfits" della  nuova linea  per l'inverno 2013. Nelle foto si intravede un ritorno della cravatta abbinata a maglioni, camice e giacche, tutti in una qualità che solo il made in italy può garantire.

While the 2011/2012 Winter season is ending, showrooms and brands are preparing themselves to face the next one.in particulary Seal kay, famous brand in northern Italy, offers some "top-outfits" of the new 2013 winter collection. In the pictures we can notice the coming back of the tie worn with sweaters, shirts and jackets; all the clothes are of prime quality (that only italy can claim!).

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