November 17, 2011

Win † Mono & Me Bracelets † by Coolumnist

Mono Bracelets takes its inspiration from different cultures and combines this with modern design. Inspired by traditional rosaries, Mono symbolises an ethnic fusion between Scandinavian design and South American craftmanship. The brand was established in Barcelona, Autumn 2010, by the Swedish designer Camilla Brindfors, who has experience in retail, advertising, fashion and interior design. The first collection started off with the Cross bracelets. Soon four new designs were added: Calavera, Pon Pon, Cross silver and Cross gold. The Mono brand has grown quickly and plans to extend the product line, and in the future expand into new categories with similar spirit and fashion. Mono focuses on premium quality products and design. These allow individual expression. The Cross bracelets are handmade and come in 44 different colours, all with their own meaning and expressions. The idea is for one to start collecting them and make different combinations according to mood and taste.

Coolumnist and Mono offer you the chance to win seven Mono & Me's bracelets. Follow this steps:
- add Mono Bracelets on Facebook
- like Coolumnist on Facebook
- write your comment here

We will choose randomly seven winners from the comments. You have until November 24... Hurry up!

The meaning and expression of the colours:
Red - passion, sensitivity, love
Blue - harmony, friendship, devotion
Green - hope, balance, youth
Yellow - enjoyment, creativity, rich life
Pink - kindness, sensitivity, pleasure
Orange - party, pleasure, happiness
White - innocent, harmony, serenity
Black - nobility, fidelity, seriousness
Purple - tranquil, dignity, confidence
Grey - modern, innovative


Anonymous said...

complimenti siete bravissimii … ottimo bloog e sopratutto complimenti per la grafica :P

Andrea Grazia said...

tanto non vincerò mai, la mia sfiga in queste cose non ha limiti..

pier said...

carini! come andrea grazia la sfiga mi perseguita.. però chissà!

Anonymous said...

cariniiiiii !

vale010206 said...

Che Carini!Partecipo!

Momis Closet said...

Io amo il rosso....sì li conoscevo.... FINGERS CROSS!

cice said...

verdeee <3

Anonymous said...

bellissimi questi braccialetti,, adoro le cose che hanno un significato oltre che essere un semplice accessorio!

Le FreakS said...

partecipo volentieri! ho seguito le regole, adesso non mi resta che incrociare le dita ;D

anche sul nostro sito c'è un GIVEAWAY, IN PALIO DEI BELLISSIMI ORECCHINI!!!

Carmen. said...

Lovely giveaway!So pretty bracelets!

CAROLINA said...

anche stavolta parteciperò!!!
ho seguito tutte le istruzioni step by step...
bacio Carolina

nome facebook: Carolina Franceschin

Ludo Guerrieri said...

ho fatto tutto quello che bisognava fare.. proviamoci!

Anonymous said...


GdiGhemon said...

Big Up per coolumnist

Sekhmet said...

partecipo e seguite le regole,, !!
FB: Harley Quieenn

Coolumnist said...

Hi everyone!! To join this contest you have to write your comment here:

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